Legal Portuguese Riverside Property - The Law

Not all Portugal riverside property is legal; many Portuguese riverfront properties risk being demolished under an old law, re-legislated in 2005 as the Water Resources Ownership law (law no. 54/2005) and finalised in 2014.

If a riverside property in Portugal is within 30 meters of the river, the owners will need to prove that the land was privately owned since 1864, which is nearly impossible to do.

If you are looking to buy (a) riverside Portugal property / properties, make sure the property itself is well beyond the 30 meter river water border line.

For examples of legal riverside Portugal properties, please see;
Spain / Portugal Waterfront Property

Porto / River Douro Villas

While other Portuguese river districts have prevented villas being built close to their rivers, Porto and Viseo Districts have allowed riverside properties along the River Douro (Río Duero) which are now under threat of demolition under the Water Resources Ownership law (law no. 54/2005) (ratified in 2014). River Douro villas deemed to be within 30 meters of the waterline are being targeted for destruction!

If you are thinking of buying a River Douro Villa, where the property is close to the river, it is a very good idea to go to the local building / planning office and ensure that the real estate you are looking at is not affected by law 54/2005; be sure to get this in writing though! In addition, you should also make sure, while you are there, that the land title is Urbano, or possibly agricultural with a large enough sqm so as to make the original permit legitimate. Finally, enquire about any developments in the area that could affect the property, such as planned roads, railway extensions (make railway works are planned for the Porto area), industrial developments, apartment buildings, etc.

The cost of land in the Río Duero valley is considerably higher than other large Portuguese rivers, plus things can often get cramped in the area, so it may also be worth checking villas on the River Minho an hour further north on the border with Spain.

For full details, please see: Riverside Portugal Properties